Benzene ring in benzocrown ether has electron receptor effect can reduce complex ability to metal ions because of weakling the basicity of crown ether. 苯并冠醚的苯环具有很强的吸电子效应,降低了冠醚环上醚氧的碱度,因此减弱了其对金属离子的络合能力。
Synthesis of heavy alkylbenzene catalyzed by complex of aluminum chloride and ether 三氯化铝乙醚络合物催化合成重烷基苯
Strong and complex bands attributed to ether and hydroxyl C-O stretching between 1200 and 940cm~ (-1). 1200~940cm-1之间出现的强且复杂的谱带归属于醚和碳水化合物中的C-O伸缩振动。
~ 1H-NMR Study on the Complex Properties of Crown Ether Derivatives of EDTA 用~1H-NMR研究EDTA衍生物冠醚的配合作用
The Effect of Different Solvents on the Oscillator Strengths of Neodymium Nitrate Complex with Crown Ether 不同溶剂对硝酸钕盐冠醚配合物振子强度的影响
Complex compounds with structures characterized by diol, ether and ester, are selected as base oils for lubricants for the lubrication of precision instruments. 本文根据各种精密仪器仪表的润滑特点,选择了二元醇复醚酯类化合物作为基础油,研制成三种不同粘度范围的不流散精密仪表油系列。
Studies on dissolving pigment gallstone with complex emulsion of ethyl tert butyl ether 自制乙基叔丁醚复方乳剂对胆色素结石的溶石研究
Studies on the synthesis and properties of yttrium picrate complex with 18-crown-6 ether 18-冠-6与苦味酸钇配合物的合成和表征
Studies on the complex of noble metal with crown ether(ⅰ) synthsis and properties of the complex of silver nitrate with DB18C6 贵金属冠醚配合物的研究&(Ⅰ)硝酸银与二苯并-18-冠-6的配合物
The results show that Ru complex is the most active catalyst, PPh 3 and ethylene glycol dimethyl ether are the optimum ligand and solvent respectively. 结果发现Ru络合物是最佳催化剂,PPh3是最佳配体,乙二醇二甲醚为最佳溶剂。
Study on the syntheses and luminescent properties of rare earth's complex with crown ether 稀土与冠醚配合物的合成及发光性能研究
The phase-transfer epoxidation of soybean oil with 30% hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by tungsten-based polyoxometallate complex without solvent and with petroleum ether as the solvent was studied and the effects of solvent, reaction time and catalysts on product were studied. 研究了无溶剂和石油醚作溶剂时,30%过氧化氢存在下过氧钨配合物催化大豆油进行相转移的环氧化,并考察了溶剂、反应时间和催化剂等因素对产物的影响。
Study on the Supramolecular Inclusion Complex of Fullerenes with p tert butyl Calixarene Benzyl Ether 球烯与对叔丁基杯[8]芳烃苯醚形成超分子包合物的研究
The experimental study of the stability of iodine complex ether 碘络醚的稳定性实验